
Featured Student - DiAnna

Hello Everyone!

I’m Candice, the Firearms’ Studio’s facility operator and blog poster! I’m a mom of three who is just starting to learn more about self defense, defensive fitness, and defensive handguns…and I’m loving it! Our featured student column is our weekly post to introduce you to some of our fantastic clients and friends who decide that adding defensive skills to their daily lifestyle is exciting, adventurous, and practical. Those who join the facility as members, and those who take classes as students are normal, every day career women, business men, moms, daughters, sisters, fathers and sons who know we live in an increasingly dangerous world, but want to be better prepared for it.

Now, on to DiAnna!

About DiAnna:

Always compelled to set challenging goals for herself, DiAnna (along with her husband, Derrick) chose Sealed Mindset’s training to supplement her many life achievements and to assist in her personal growth.

Prior to her arrival as a student in the United States, DiAnna had an arduous road ahead in terms of building confidence and resiliency. Due to her tremendous motivation, however, she successfully earned her way through college while maintaining her place on the Dean’s List – experiences she credits for beginning the development of these traits.

Despite her lack of experience with guns or shooting ranges before becoming a member of SM, she has expanded her firearms education via our Daily Defensive Shooting classes and can now say she is no longer afraid of guns! Bear in mind, this is a woman who already had her Permit to Carry, yet she was still hesitant to use her firearm! She looks forward to attending several of our various tactical defense classes as well; adding to her repertoire of SM experiences which began with “Date Night” and “Defensive Flashlight.” Happily married to Derrick, DiAnna continues to evolve personally and professionally, and is “very grateful” for Sealed Mindset’s influence in developing the confidence she needs to perfect the necessary art of personal defense!”


Our Interview Together:

1)    First of all, what made you decide to become a member of Sealed Mindset and how did you hear about us? Do you have a background with firearms or personal defense techniques of any kind?

I had no idea how to even hold a gun when I set foot on the doorstep of Sealed Mindset (keep in mind that I already had my permit to carry). My husband Derrick gets credit for introducing me to the facility; he had heard about it from friends. The journey started with the Date Night, then continued with the Defensive Flashlight Class (which I highly recommend!) and the rest is history.

2)    What, in your opinion, is the most impressive facet or enjoyable experience at our facility?

The most impressive facet is the instructor level of commitment to training, their determination to ensure that each student gets the level of instruction they need, and instructors customize that training when necessary.  When I come to class, I never feel like a number, and I know that my instructors CARE about my learning progress and my safety. 

The enjoyable experience is the friendliness and the feeling of welcome from every staff member I’ve met, starting with Larry and Anne (and don’t forget Fluffy!)  J  It truly feels like a big family. 

3) I see that you have enjoyed our Level 1 Daily Defensive Shooting sessions. Do you plan to branch out a bit to our other classes, such as the Scenario or Movement classes?

Yes, I would really like to.  My husband has taken many classes at Sealed Mindset, he loves them, and his feeling of excitement is contagious!   I am particularly interested in the classes that teach defensive tactics – I feel it’s a skill that every person should have.

4)     How do you feel SM training has prepared you, or affected you, since you’ve begun to train with us? Do you find you have more confidence/have you become more aware of your surroundings?

In the short period of time I have been with Sealed Mindset, my level of confidence has soared.  I am aware of my surroundings, I can identify situations that might require high alert, potential action or avoidance.  This applies not only to dangerous encounters, but also to real-life situations.  I wouldn’t have known any of it if it hadn’t been for training at Sealed Mindset.  Also - I am no longer afraid of guns and I now I want to come to classes to keep training. 

5)    How prepared do you feel you would be should you be faced with a defensive encounter? How does this compare to your mindset before training with us?

I can say with confidence that I feel a lot more prepared (and not as afraid) to deal with a potential defensive encounter.  I feel much more empowered to handle confrontational situations, whereas before I was absolutely clueless on what to do.  It is amazing how much I have learned in just several months of training.  

6)    Do you feel we offer a female-friendly environment?

Absolutely.  You have good female presence at the front desk, many female members attending classes, and instruction in class is easy to understand and is non-intimidating.  I have always felt comfortable and welcomed as a female.   

7)    Have you experienced other shooting ranges before? If so, how do we compare to them?

Hardly at all, so can’t tell you much.

8)    How far do you wish to progress with your training?

I would like to get a well-rounded training experience with not only using firearms, but also with learning defensive tactics and movement. 

9)    If you were to say just one thing about us to your friends and acquaintances, what would that be?

Once you take classes at Sealed Mindset, you’ll be asking yourself “why haven’t I done it sooner?”

For those of you who would like to meet DiAnna, come out on to Sealed Mindset’s Firearms Studio and join one of the Daily Defensive Shooting Classes!

I’ll look forward to seeing you all next month with another exciting featured student profile…until then stay safe and have fun on the range!


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